21. Scenario #1
L2 18 Version Control Git Branches V1 V2
Scenario #1
Let's walk through the git commands that go along with each step in the scenario you just observed in the video above.
STEP 1: You have a local version of this repository on your laptop, and to get the latest stable version, you pull from the develop branch.
Switch to the develop branch
git checkout develop
Pull latest changes in the develop branch
git pull
STEP 2: When you start working on this demographic feature, you create a new branch for this called demographic, and start working on your code in this branch.
Create and switch to new branch called demographic from develop branch
git checkout -b demographic
Work on this new feature and commit as you go
git commit -m 'added gender recommendations'
git commit -m 'added location specific recommendations'
STEP 3: However, in the middle of your work, you need to work on another feature. So you commit your changes on this demographic branch, and switch back to the develop branch.
Commit changes before switching
git commit -m 'refactored demographic gender and location recommendations '
Switch to the develop branch
git checkout develop
STEP 4: From this stable develop branch, you create another branch for a new feature called friend_groups.
Create and switch to new branch called friend_groups from develop branch
git checkout -b friend_groups
STEP 5: After you finish your work on the friend_groups branch, you commit your changes, switch back to the development branch, merge it back to the develop branch, and push this to the remote repository’s develop branch.
Commit changes before switching
git commit -m 'finalized friend_groups recommendations '
Switch to the develop branch
git checkout develop
Merge friend_groups branch to develop
git merge --no-ff friends_groups
Push to remote repository
git push origin develop
STEP 6: Now, you can switch back to the demographic branch to continue your progress on that feature.
Switch to the demographic branch
git checkout demographic